Seven Brief Lessons on Physics

Carlo Rovelli, Seven Brief Lessons on Physics (Riverhead Books, 2017)

Summary: This book will not teach you physics. It's part science, part philosophy — and prompts higher order questions about human existence. These are meditations on time, space, and the nature of the universe.

Key Quote: "Nature is behaving with us like that elderly rabbi to whom two men went in order to settle a dispute. Having listened to the first, the rabbi says: 'You are in the right.' The second insists on being heard. The rabbi listens to him and says: 'You're also right.' Having overheard from the next room, the rabbi's wife then calls out, 'But they can't both be right!' The rabbi reflects and nods before concluding: 'And you're right too.'" - p. 40

Bottom Line: Read this book if you like thinking interesting thoughts.


Q&A with Michael Koryta


Dragon Teeth